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Sunny Bank Primary School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Hathaway Road, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 8EQ

0161 766 2121


Inspection and Reports

Challenge Partners External Quality Assurance Review
Please find our Challenge Partners External Quality Assurance Review undertaken in the autumn term. For more information on Challenge Partners and the valuable work they do see:
 Sunny Bank Primary School Challenge Partners Review November 2024 .pdfDownload
 Sunny Bank Primary School Challenge Partners QAR Review Report 2023 -24.pdfDownload
 Sunny Bank Primary School Challenge Partner Review 2022.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

Ofsted Report

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They report directly to the government, the Department for Education, and they are independent and impartial. They inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, including schools and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.

Our most recent graded Ofsted inspection was June 2023, with the school graded as Good in all areas.

These are some of the comments taken from the report:

  • Pupils are proud to attend Sunny Bank Primary School.
  • Pupils know that leaders and staff have high expectations for their behaviour and for their achievement. Typically, pupils rise to these expectations. They achieve well.
  • Pupils also spoke to inspectors with enthusiasm about the recognition that they receive when they try their best.
  • Pupils embrace the many ways that people are unique. They know that others should not be judged because of their differences.
  • Pupils enjoy a variety of after-school activities.
  • Leaders have placed a sharp focus on improving the design of the curriculum across the school. They have been highly successful in developing the subjects that pupils study. Leaders are determined to continue this improvement work, so that pupils experience the very best quality of education.
  • Typically, teachers deliver the curriculum well. They have strong subject knowledge and they select the most appropriate activities to help pupils to acquire new concepts and information.
  • Leaders and staff identify pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) quickly. Staff work closely with external professionals, and with parents and carers. They enable pupils with SEND to access the full curriculum and to engage in all aspects of school life.
  • Typically, pupils demonstrate positive behaviour. They engage well during lessons and they conduct themselves well throughout the school. Pupils are polite towards others.
  • Pupils benefit from a well-designed personal development programme. Pupils learn how to be responsible citizens.
  • Leaders have introduced robust systems to report and monitor welfare concerns. They have trained staff in these processes, as well as ensuring that staff receive up- to-date training in safeguarding.

What does the school need to develop and improve upon further?

  • In a few subjects, teachers do not make links to previous learning clear enough when they deliver new content.
  • From time to time, staff do not follow the agreed approaches when delivering the phonics programme…Leaders should ensure that all staff develop the expertise required to deliver the phonics programme consistently well.

If you wish to read the Ofsted report in full you can find it here:


If you have any other questions or queries, please contact the school office.